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Go – QueryUnescape Function in net/url package in Go

In this article, we will explore the QueryUnescape Function in net/url package in Go in details, along with examples.


The Go programming language provides a net/url package with numerous functions designed for handling and manipulating URLs. One such function, QueryUnescape, is particularly useful for decoding URL query parameters that contain percent-encoded characters. In this article, we will explore the QueryUnescape function in detail, along with a practical example to demonstrate its usage.

What is QueryUnescape Function ?

The QueryUnescape function is used to decode URL query parameters by replacing percent-encoded characters with their original representation. The function returns a string with percent-encoded characters replaced by the corresponding special characters. This is crucial when working with URLs containing percent-encoded characters, as it allows developers to retrieve the original data for further processing.


Let’s walk through an example that demonstrates how to use the QueryUnescape function in Go:

package main

import (

func decodeQueryParameter(encodedParam string) (string, error) {

	// Decode the encoded parameter using QueryUnescape
	decodedParam, err := url.QueryUnescape(encodedParam)

	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to decode query parameter: %v", err)

	return decodedParam, nil

func main() {

	encodedParam := "Go+language+%26+net%2Furl+package"

	// Decode the query parameter
	decodedParam, err := decodeQueryParameter(encodedParam)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error decoding query parameter: %v\n", err)

	fmt.Printf("Decoded query parameter: %s\n", decodedParam)

In the example above, we define a decodeQueryParameter function that takes an encoded URL query parameter as an input parameter. We then use the QueryUnescape function to decode the query parameter by replacing percent-encoded characters with their original representation. Finally, we return the decoded query parameter.


Decoded query parameter: Go language & net/url package


The QueryUnescape function in the net/url package of Go is a valuable tool for decoding URL query parameters containing percent-encoded characters. This function is particularly useful when working with URLs that contain encoded special characters. By properly decoding query parameters, developers can retrieve the original data and process it as needed, ensuring accurate handling of URLs and user-generated content.

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Posted in golang, net, packages

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